Top 10 Unique Plants That Look Like Humans Body Parts.

Top 10 Unique Plants That Look Like Humans Body Parts

These strange plants not only look exactly like human body parts but also have extremely interesting propertie

Top 1: Ascocoryne sarcoides (Small intestine fungus )

Small intestine fungus, scientific name Ascocoryne sarcoides is a type of fungus that makes many people startled when they see it for the first time. Possessing an appearance identical to the human small intestine, this mushroom is also one of the inedible mushrooms.
Ascocoryne sarcoides is a species of fungus in the family Helotiaceae. The species name is derived from the Greek sarkodes (fleshy). Formerly known as Coryne sarcoides, its taxonomical history has been complicated by the fact that it may adopt both sexual and asexual forms.

Top 2: Antirrhinum majus (The skull flower plant).

The skull flower plant, scientific name Antirrhinum majus, is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family. When fresh, this flower looks a lot like a dragon's head, but when the petals wither and fall off, the remaining flower base looks extremely similar to a human skull. In legend, any woman who dares to eat this plant will possess eternal beauty. However, this plant contains many toxins, no woman dares to risk her life in exchange for beauty.

Antirrhinum majus is a species of flowering plant in the plantain family. This species was first scientifically described by Carl von Linné in 1753

Top 3 : Auricularia heimuer ( Wood ear mushroom, ear mushroom).

Wood ear mushroom, ear mushroom, is a mushroom shaped exactly like a human ear. Wood ear mushrooms have many uses and are often used in traditional dishes in Asian countries. In China, it is also used as a traditional medicine.

Top 4 : Clathrus archeri ( Death's finger mushroom).

Death's finger mushroom, scientific name Clathrus archeri, is a truly scary mushroom. Although not toxic, the smell of this mushroom is very similar to the smell of a decomposing corpse, extremely unpleasant. Furthermore, their hand-like shape emerging from the ground is enough to scare even faint-hearted people.

Top 5: Gyromitra esculenta (Brain fungus).

Brain fungus, scientifically known as Gyromitra esculenta, its twisted surface looks exactly like the human brain, quite creepy. This is a poisonous mushroom that can be deadly when eaten raw. Even when treated, this mushroom still contains carcinogenic residue hydrazine gyromitin, which is very harmful.

Top 6: Rhodotus palmatus (Stomach fungus or lung fungus).

Stomach fungus or lung fungus is the common name for a strange mushroom species with the scientific name Rhodotus palmatus. The surface of this fungus is gelatinous and has white ridges and deep mesh-like grooves, looking like a system of internal blood vessels.

Top 7:  Hydnellum peckii ( Bleeding tooth fungus).

Bleeding tooth fungus, scientific name is Hydnellum peckii. The reason for its name is because the shape of the strange plant resembles bleeding human teeth. This is an inedible mushroom although not poisonous, it's just that its bitter taste is hard for anyone to accept.

Top 8 :  Psychotria elata (girlfriend kiss and labios de puta).

Palicourea elata, formerly Psychotria elata, commonly known as girlfriend kiss and labios de puta, is a tropical tree that ranges from Central to South American rain forests in countries such as Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama and Colombia.

Call girl's lips flower, this is one of the most impressive plants in the plant kingdom thanks to its outstanding shape and color. They have a shape similar to a woman's thick, sexy lips with bright red lipstick. Thanks to its impressiveness, this plant can attract pollinators such as hummingbirds and butterflies.

Top 9: Actaea pachypoda ( The doll's eye plant or the devil's eye plant). 

The doll's eye plant, also known as the devil's eye plant, has the scientific name Actaea pachypoda. The name doll's eye is given after the shape of the fruit of this tree. The fruit is white, the top of the fruit has black dots like pupils looking everywhere. They have an attractive sweet taste but contain extremely toxic cariogenic substances, which directly affect the heart muscle, causing spasms leading to death if not treated promptly.

Top 10 : 
Lepiota boudieri (Nipple fungus).

Nipple fungus, this extremely sensitive name actually accurately describes the appearance of this mushroom. Scientifically known as Lepiota boudieri, this is a species of mushroom belonging to the genus Lepiota, an extremely poisonous mushroom genus that cannot be eaten and cannot be processed to remove the poison.
